There is no justice in PTI: Fauzia Kasuri

Fauzia Kasui
Islamabad:  Front line leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Fauzia Kasuri has decided to resign from his party saying that there is no justice in the party, a local website reports.
Fauzia Kasuri told a local website’s correspondent over phone that she will make the announcement about her resignation tomorrow in National Press Club.
She said that resigning from her party was a difficult decision but she took it with utmost courage.
When asked the reasons because of which she is leaving the party she said, “I have been with Imran Khan since 1996 but I am really sorry to say that Imran Khan who claims so much about justice has no justice in his doings and this thing forced me to take this decision.”
Fauzia Kasuri said, “Nepotism has been started in PTI and three relative women of Chief Minister KPK Pervez Khattak have come on reserved seats of women in spite of the fact that there are many other women who sacrificed a lot for the party.”
She further told our correspondent that, “PTI Chief told me that I would be given reserved seat of women but this thing was not implemented.”
Fauzia said, “I was even neglected in these General Election and was given no ticket,” adding that, “When I applied for by-elections’ ticket, I was even neglected that time too.”
She also said, “I am the member of constitutional committee of PTI and first woman member of PTI but no justice has been done to me.”
“Party needs Aila Malik and Munaza Hassan,” she added.
She further told, “I have informed the top leadership of party about my resignation through e-mails and telephones but no response has yet been received.”
“Very soon many people from different areas of the country will leave the party,” she added.

Excerpts from Road to Mecca by Muhammad Asad

'Теll me- how has it come about that the faith оf your Ргоphet and аll its clearness and simplicity has Ьееп buried beneath а rubble оf sterile speculation and the hair-splitting оf your scholastic? How has it happened that your princes and great land-owners revel in wealth and luxury while so mапу оf their Muslim brethren subsist in unspeakable poverty and squalor- although your Prophet taught that "No оnе mау call himself а Faithful who eats fill while his neighbor remains hungry?" Сап уои make me understand why уои have brushed woman into the background of your lives -although the women around the Prophet and his Companions took part in so grand а manner in the life of their men? how has it come about that so many of you Muslims are ignorant and so few сап even read and write although your Prophet declared that "Striving after knowledge is а most sacred duty fог еvегу Muslim man and woman" and that "the superiority of the learned man over the mere pious is like the superiority of the moon when it is full over all other stars?"
Road to Mecca

Why left our own culture and values?

'how has it come about that уоu Muslims have lost your self confidence -that self-сопidеnсе which опсе enabled you to spread your faith, in less than а hundred years, from Arabia westward as far as the Atlantic and eastward deep into China and now surrender yourselves so easily, so weakly, to the thoughts and customs of the West '? Why can't you, whose fогеfathers illumined the world with science and art at а time when Europe lay in deep barbarism and ignorance, summon forth the courage to go back to your own progressive, radiant faith? How is it that Ataturk, that petty masquerader who denies all value to Islam, has become to уои Muslims а symbol of' "Muslim revival" ?'
SOURCE:Muhammad Asad's "Road to Mecca"