Kashmir is the integral part of Pakistan: CoAS Gen Raheel Shareef

Kashmir is the integral part of Pakistan is the recent statement of General Raheel, the Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan. His opinion is quite different to opinions of his predecessors Gen Kiyani and Musharaf.  the LoC was allowed to fenced during Musharraf's illegal regime, he was not only the President but a powerful CoAS. Sometimes they call it a liability and sometimes they call it SHAHRAG. We civilians are always with Kashmir and Kashmiris, but these people always define it differently at different point of times. Although this message was only to give a shut up call to 'the expected PM' Narindra Modi; upon his wicked intentions to conduct OBL like operation against Daud Ibrahim in Pakistan. The sentiments and statement of your respected brother is the sentiments and statement of every Pakistani, but i am always confused about our all powerful CoAS different definitions of the issue of Kashmir. 

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